Sunday, June 20, 2010

World's First Playa Classroom Open!

On June 8, 2010, Ogallala Commons presented the first Playa Classroom to the world. The Playa Classroom is a place where students of all ages are invited to see, touch and experience a prairie wetland. It consists of a educational center with five interpretive panels, seating and teaching spaces as well as rainwater harvesting tanks and a small xeric garden. The jewel of the place is the 20 acre playa that sits right in front.
Paths are cut in the tall grasses, allowing groups to get a close up view of the rich biodiversity of the playa. Guided tours will be provided to classes that wish to visit and the entry fee is an affordable $1 per student.
The classroom is located in Nazareth, Texas. Click here to see it on google maps.

Also, check out the latest media about the classroom: (Click on links to see)

Sibley Nature Center - Article by Burr Williams

Hands-on outdoor lessons: Learning from playas - Article from Amarillo Globe-News

Enjoy these photographs of the classroom:

These are Black Neck Stilt Eggs