Ogallala Commons would like to announce the First Annual Macro Invertebrate Jar Contest for Playa Festival Teachers. Cash prizes will be awarded to the first and second place winners - $300 for first place and $150 for second place.
To enter, you will need to grow, document and photograph a Macro Invertebrate Jar as instructed at our Conservation Education Day Teacher Trainings this spring. Jars will be judged based on three areas - Jar Content, Jar Journal, and Photo documentation of the Jar. A total of 50 points are possible (20 for Content, 15 for Journal and 15 for Photos) Jars will be judged on Sept. 1, 2011.
Jar Content - Content of jars will vary widely due to the use of soils from several different playas. Content will be judged based on the content and overall condition of the plants and creatures in the jar.
Jar Journal- Journals should feature weekly documentation of the progress and changes occurring within the jar throughout the spring and summer.
Photo Documentation - This is an important part of the documentation of the jar, and will make for a wonderful photo essay to share with students and teachers in the future. Photos should be taken on a regular basis to document the progress and transformation of the jar.
Those of you who would like to participate in the contest should send an email with your name, school and contact information to Julie Hodges, OC Education Coordinator at juliehodges@prairieworkshop.com by April 1.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos and beautiful text to announce this contest! This whole blog is just fantastic...thanks to your skills and dedication!